Remote Healing

Remote Healing

A Quantum Transformation

Sign up for a FREE membership to receive a free remote quantum healing that is a combination of Scalar Light and Reiki energy. Once you log into your account, you can request your free remote quantum healing and send up to 12 pictures.(Not Required)

Photographs contain your personal light code signature and this is one way the energy can easily be transferred to you. Sending photos is not required, it only helps. The photos are never shared and are deleted after the 9th remote healing has been completed.

You will receive these remote quantum healings 3 times per day for 3 consecutive days. These remote quantum healings are available for yourself, your partner, your children, family members, pets, your home or any object that you want to be infused with these very powerful energies.

Free Meditation

The Healing Chamber

You will also receive a Free Quantum Transformation Meditation. This peaceful, transcendental meditation transports you into a quantum healing chamber that has been programmed to your personalized unique light code signature. You are surrounded 360 degrees, within through and all around, with high frequency light of the Highest vibration, this soothing light clears distortions from every filament of your electromagnetic energy field; restoring, recoding and healing you on a cellular level, repairing and upgrading your 12 strands of DNA.

This expansive and circular movement creates a glowing uv protective shield around your body. This protective shield removes, cancels and blocks EMFs, the effects of man-made frequencies (60 HZ) on your body and will continue to protect you 24/7/365.

Many who have utilized this quantum transformation chamber have reported miraculous results!

What is Reiki and Scalar Light?